Monday, May 2, 2016

A Step Towards Healthy Life

The following tale is about my known friend. He has recently moved into a new apartment, 20 storey’s giant building. No wonder it has a panoramic view, the sea on one front and a huge cluster of other apartments on the other.

But even as he opened the windows and took into in the wonderful view, he noticed a thick pall of the grey matter that lay like a cloud over the city. Of course, that is not rain clouds but the cloud of pollution rising from the ground and blanketing the city.

I remember an article stating that the lungs of coal miners show up black deposits at autopsies. This is probably exactly what our lungs will throw up, too.

Vehicle exhausts, smoke from the fires that cook meals by roadside and in the slums, industrial fumes and other unseen hazardous emissions, dust from unpaved roads, from road works, everything adds to the deadly spice that factually mantles the city.

And yet, we take it as a part of development, of progress.

I am not against the progress. None of us who live here and enjoy the bustle and throb of this worlds pace is. But the more buildings that come up and the more vegetation is cut away, the more our lungs and the lungs of this city will choke.

New and efficient constructions in the city are welcomed. But adequate steps need to be taken to ensure that the pollution is cleared.

Lets us preserve the green we have, just for own sakes. Let’s plant more, grow more, and banish the cloud that hovers over our health. 

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