Saturday, November 7, 2015

Smile For A Cause!!!

The past week was massive. From my confined work agenda I hardly got time to be earnest towards blogging. Towards the beginning of the week my health went bad. It’s been always my priority to conceal the pain inside than flaunting over face. It’s never been a smooth transition though. 

It takes excessive amount of convincing skills to my mind when my body refuses to follow the rational thinking. Nevertheless, I'm a believer of happy go lucky idiom. 

And here I am flaunting my smile: D wherever I go.

 I've got a million dollar smile and I take it everywhere I go... 

But you know I keep it hidden deep inside my big ole head ...And I only take it out at night when I'm alone in bed.

It actually takes a lot less muscles to smile than to frown or scowl so apart from creating misery for myself and my body I believe to wear a smile always.

A smile is one of the most simple, inexpensive and wonderful things in the world.
Still, often we forget about this one powerful action while we get lost in the details of today and tomorrow.

I always wear a big smile on my face just before I say goodbye to someone over the telephone then they will "hear" it. Kindly, don't ask me to explain that. All I know is that it works. And every time it does work. All you need is to carry a smile with you. Try out with a friend. You will see that it is true.

The globe has enough sad populace with long faces. 

And let’s don't add to their ranks.

Smile. Make it your aspiration to put a big smile on your face before you get out of bed in the cock-crow. That’s how you will get off to a happy start. Smile as often as you can throughout the day. It's contagious. Usually when you smile a smile will be returned.

Smile. Go on. Do it right now! Did it make you feel better?

And yes, do let me know the consequences. 

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